Romeo Aragona

Romeo Aragona

Mortgage Agent, startMortgage

Hello, my name is Romeo Aragona, I serve as the Lead Mortgage Advisor with startMortgage, a smaller client focused independent Mortgage Brokerage, currently in our 10th year of operation!

I bring over 30 years of customer service excellence from the Telecommunications Industry, all while having raised a family with three amazing children, now plus 3 grand-children, and counting! You can imagine I’m no stranger to everyone having their own needs and wants.

Since 2013, as a Licensed Mortgage Agent, I’ve helped my clients navigate their way through a number of interesting and unique mortgage mazes and puzzles. And, yes, I’ve seen my share of changes, while still learning, everyday!

In today’s fast paced, social media-driven world, as a licensed Mortgage Agent in the GTHA, with links from coast to coast, we here at start Mortgage have the commitment to service what Canadian consumers want, need, demand, and yes, deserve..the best mortgage fit possible.
Why settle for posted rates and your clients having to take time off work to make appointments, when we can do it all within hours online, together?
Most banks offer a very limited product selection of 2-6 mortgage types, no reduced rates, no service after banking hours, no suggestions for better options, no education to eliminate debt or improve credit. They will routinely turn away self-employed customers, difficult credit consumers and they typically take days and even weeks to let you know if your mortgage application is approved.
At startMortgage, you, or your clients get access to about 25 different lenders we work with, all with their own niche lending specialty. Our available mortgage products for self employed applicants are easy to obtain, credit issues will be addressed and rectified and your clients will get their approval notification within a reasonable timeframe.
You will note, recently, we have expanded our service and product offering to include, but not limited to the following… 1st, 2nd & 3rd Mortgages…Debt Consolidations…Refinances…Purchases…Equity Take Out…Self Employed…Bad or Bruised Credit…Private Mortgage Funds…Alternative Financing…NOW offering Reverse Mortgages, Construction Financing, Commercial and Small Business Mortgage Services!
Thank you for your time, I look forward to the opportunity to further explore assisting you with your financial and mortgage needs!